Viewing guidance

The following are an eclectic collection of videos we've created over the years, gathered here to support your interest in coaching and conversational skills.

Please view them with our blessings and be aware that no permission is given or implied for you to use these videos as part of teaching or training others.

For our current licensable content, contact us at

Our Retro Collection: The Manager As Coach

From before smart phones had pro-quality cameras, posting live was a thing, oh - and before we sent Michael properly grey... the following collection shows how managers can use coaching practially in conversation.

We've renewed, upgraded and added to this collection

As part of our constant evolution, we've produced a more comprehensive/extensive suite of videos using a pro-camera crew, actors and production team.  Check out the Brilliant Coaching Video Series for those; absolutely everything about them is more wonderful - apart from we all look a little older 🙂

To view the free resources, please login/sign up.

To watch the free resources, Please Log in/Sign Up.

1. What is coaching?

Julie encourages us to see coaching as simple a different style of conversation.

2. How We Influence?

Are you typically directive or less directive?  Here, we demonstrate the difference.

3. How We Influence?

The structure of a more formal, e.g. planned, coaching conversation; its really just three things.

4. Barriers to Coaching

Knowing what not to do can be super important, here's the trip-hazards to avoid.

5. Response Coaching

Keys to an informal, 'in the moment' coaching response, to shift conversational outcomes. 

6. Taking Coaching Forwards

How managers can integrate new skills of coaching, eg. after coach training. 

7. A coaching Style of Influence

Here we see how a facilitated style of conversation can help an individual think and act for themselves.

8. A Coaching Conversation

An an uninterrupted demo of an effective conversation supported by The Coaching Path.

9. Useful Questions

A selection of typical coaching questions, along with their intention/purpose. Clear and simple!

Our Latest Masterclass

You can view the recording from our latest live masterclass below:

What if I have questions?

We welcome them!


We look forward to seeing you online soon