Manager as coach: certificate
- Open to graduates who have completed our MaC Advanced programme within the previous 12 months.
- LearnStarr pre-thinking and follow-up, e.g., videos, self-assessments, reading and reflection
- Group size limit of 15 people. Mandated practice, candidates must coach in their workplace
- Personal, 1:1 Coaching from an accredited Starr Coach Supervisor
- Submission of ‘evidence of learning’ e.g. reflection notes and Personal Development Plan
*If you purchase on behalf of a UK based organisation, we add VAT at 20% to this cost.
What Will I get from this?
This programme enables graduates of our Advanced Programme to:
- Strengthen their ability to coach others
- Deepen their personal understanding and awareness of what it means to coach others
- Gain potential accreditation by Starr Coaching, a leading provider of coach training
A natural way to learn
Over a ten-week journey, work-life is blended with:
- Live online events with theory input, demonstrations, practice, and Q&A’s
- Pre-thinking and follow-up learning materials, e.g. high-quality video content, self-assessment, reading and reflection
- On-going practice; with a programme buddy or a colleague
- One to one coaching by a qualified Starr coach
- Completing accreditation requirements, e.g. real life coaching assignments and peer evaluations
Manager as Coach: Certificate is suitable for:
- Anyone who has successfully completed our Manager as Coach: Advanced Programme
What skills and abilities do you cover?
Specific programme content includes:
- Supported integration of core coaching skills, specifically:
- Additional techniques to support effectiveness, e.g., Powerful Questions
- One to one coaching from a Starr Coach
- Supported practice sessions in the ‘classroom’ environment
- Structured feedback on workplace coaching
- Developing a Coaching Mindset: Beliefs as behaviour
- Assessment of commitment, ability and outcomes, e.g. submission of ‘Evidence of Learning’, feedback from Target Coachees, plus Coach Facilitator input.

Your Learning Journey

What’s my investment?
Programme cost is £1,795* which includes:
- Participation on all live events
- Three, one-hour coaching sessions with a Starr Coach
- Potential accreditation by Starr Coaching, including a certificate
- Access to supplementary materials on LearnStarr, e.g. recordings of live events, video tutorials and demonstrations plus downloadable resources
- Access to materials for six-weeks beyond the end of the last live event.
*If you purchase on behalf of a UK based organisation, we add VAT at 20% to this cost.

Our Certificate Programme
Over a 10-week period, candidates engage in supported practice to deepen their coaching ability (we call this Target Coaching). Candidates are supported by an accredited Starr Coach Supervisor. In weeks 2-7, candidates are invited to demonstrate their skills in their workplace and receive feedback.
Programme materials and videos are available on LearnStarr for a further six-week period beyond the final live event.
Activity, support and resources - what’s included